
Sunday, 11 December 2016

Managerial Communication


The word “communication” is used in common talk, usually, to _ mean speaking or writing or sending a message to another person. Communication is much more than that. It involves ensuring that your message has reached the target audience, (that is, the persons fruson or to whom it is sent) and that the receiver understands and responds as you inlended. It also involves ensuring that you yourself take care to receive, understand, interpret and respond to messages that are sent to you.

Communication is an important aspect of behaviour; human communication is affected by all factors that influence human behaviour. 


Communication is central to human activity. It is an integral part of our daily life. In daily life, we have to* adapt our Communication to a variety of human settings and or persons based on the role we are assuming in the interaction.* make daily decisions about the appropriateness of the messageswe are sending.* be aware that the manner and methods we choose to communicate our messages have an impact on the effectiveness of those messages.* interpret and evaluate messages received everyday and decide what action to take on the basis of the message.* interact with people in groups at home and outside home and at work.* adapt our Communication to a variety of human settings and orpersons based on the role we are assuming in the interaction.* make daily decisions about the appropriateness of the messageswe are sending.* be aware that the manner and methods we choose to communicate our messages have an impact on the effectiveness of those messages.* interpret and evaluate messages received everyday and decide what action to take on the basis of the message.* interact with people in groups at home and outside home and at work.* adapt our Communication to a variety of human settings and orpersons based on the role we are assuming in the interaction.* make daily decisions about the appropriateness of the messageswe are sending.* be aware that the manner and methods we choose to communicate our messages have an impact on the effectiveness of those messages.* interpret and evaluate messages received everyday and decide what action to take on the basis of the message.* interact with people in groups at home and outside home and at work.In order to accomplish these activities effectively, we need awareness of the communication process and skills in communication methods. The more effectively we accomplish these activities, the more comfortable and satisfying our life becomes.Communication education is important to the development of the person; as a whole to being a responsible citizen of the world, both socially and culturally; and to succeed in one’s career and in the business enterprise.

Competence in oral communication, both speaking and listening, is necessary for students’ academic and personal success in life. Classroom teaching is mostly oral and students with poor listening skills fail to absorb much of the material given in classrooms. Their problems are increased when they cannot respond correctly or appropriately because of poor speaking skills. Students who are unable to clearly express what they know may be judged as poorly informed. Many are unable to ask for help from a teacher. As a result, such reticent students make slower progress even though, they may have a normal level of aptitude.

The family is one’s immediate and most important group. Research studies have shown that families that communicate well, provide the best nurturing ground for youngsters. Values, attitudes and beliefs which play a large part in a person’s success in life, are developed through communication within the family. Effective family communication has been found to be a deterrent to delinquency. In his best seller, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” Stephen Covey lays stress on the importance of family communication, especially listening. Habit 5 “Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood” can go a long way in building up relationships in the family as well as at the workplace. But it requires cultivation of the skill.

Outside school and home, oral communication competence contributes to an individual’s social adjustment and participation in interpersonal relationships. The ability to communicate orally helps psychological development. A person’s self-concept is acquired through interaction with others. Communication activities such as making contributions in groups, being able to persuade and influence others, and using socially acceptable behaviour, help in achieving selfactualization. Young persons with poor communication skills are sometimes considered as less attractive by their peers. They have fewer friendships. Those who do not have social and conflict management skills are more likely to indulge in antisocial and violent behaviour.

As the students grow up into working adults, communication competence becomes essential for starting and deveIOping a career.
Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.

A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.

An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --
1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action

2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver

3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief

4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.

To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.

An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.

Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the

co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.

Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.

Competence in oral communication, both speaking and listening, is necessary for students’ academic and personal success in life. Classroom teaching is mostly oral and students with poor listening skills fail to absorb much of the material given in classrooms. Their problems are increased when they cannot respond correctly or appropriately because of poor speaking skills. Students who are unable to clearly express what they know may be judged as poorly informed. Many are unable to ask for help from a teacher. As a result, such reticent students make slower progress even though, they may have a normal level of aptitude.

The family is one’s immediate and most important group. Research studies have shown that families that communicate well, provide the best nurturing ground for youngsters. Values, attitudes and beliefs which play a large part in a person’s success in life, are developed through communication within the family. Effective family communication has been found to be a deterrent to delinquency. In his best seller, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” Stephen Covey lays stress on the importance of family communication, especially listening. Habit 5 “Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood” can go a long way in building up relationships in the family as well as at the workplace. But it requires cultivation of the skill.

Outside school and home, oral communication competence contributes to an individual’s social adjustment and participation in interpersonal relationships. The ability to communicate orally helps psychological development. A person’s self-concept is acquired through interaction with others. Communication activities such as making contributions in groups, being able to persuade and influence others, and using socially acceptable behaviour, help in achieving selfactualization. Young persons with poor communication skills are sometimes considered as less attractive by their peers. They have fewer friendships. Those who do not have social and conflict management skills are more likely to indulge in antisocial and violent behaviour.

As the students grow up into working adults, communication competence becomes essential for starting and deveIOping a career.
Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.

A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.

An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --
1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action

2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver

3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief

4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.

To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.

An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.

Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the

co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.

Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.

Competence in oral communication, both speaking and listening, is necessary for students’ academic and personal success in life. Classroom teaching is mostly oral and students with poor listening skills fail to absorb much of the material given in classrooms. Their problems are increased when they cannot respond correctly or appropriately because of poor speaking skills. Students who are unable to clearly express what they know may be judged as poorly informed. Many are unable to ask for help from a teacher. As a result, such reticent students make slower progress even though, they may have a normal level of aptitude.

The family is one’s immediate and most important group. Research studies have shown that families that communicate well, provide the best nurturing ground for youngsters. Values, attitudes and beliefs which play a large part in a person’s success in life, are developed through communication within the family. Effective family communication has been found to be a deterrent to delinquency. In his best seller, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” Stephen Covey lays stress on the importance of family communication, especially listening. Habit 5 “Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood” can go a long way in building up relationships in the family as well as at the workplace. But it requires cultivation of the skill.

Outside school and home, oral communication competence contributes to an individual’s social adjustment and participation in interpersonal relationships. The ability to communicate orally helps psychological development. A person’s self-concept is acquired through interaction with others. Communication activities such as making contributions in groups, being able to persuade and influence others, and using socially acceptable behaviour, help in achieving selfactualization. Young persons with poor communication skills are sometimes considered as less attractive by their peers. They have fewer friendships. Those who do not have social and conflict management skills are more likely to indulge in antisocial and violent behaviour.

As the students grow up into working adults, communication competence becomes essential for starting and deveIOping a career.
Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.

A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.

An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --
1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action

2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver

3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief

4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.

To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.

An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.

Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the

co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.

Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.

Competence in oral communication, both speaking and listening, is necessary for students’ academic and personal success in life. Classroom teaching is mostly oral and students with poor listening skills fail to absorb much of the material given in classrooms. Their problems are increased when they cannot respond correctly or appropriately because of poor speaking skills. Students who are unable to clearly express what they know may be judged as poorly informed. Many are unable to ask for help from a teacher. As a result, such reticent students make slower progress even though, they may have a normal level of aptitude.

The family is one’s immediate and most important group. Research studies have shown that families that communicate well, provide the best nurturing ground for youngsters. Values, attitudes and beliefs which play a large part in a person’s success in life, are developed through communication within the family. Effective family communication has been found to be a deterrent to delinquency. In his best seller, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” Stephen Covey lays stress on the importance of family communication, especially listening. Habit 5 “Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood” can go a long way in building up relationships in the family as well as at the workplace. But it requires cultivation of the skill.

Outside school and home, oral communication competence contributes to an individual’s social adjustment and participation in interpersonal relationships. The ability to communicate orally helps psychological development. A person’s self-concept is acquired through interaction with others. Communication activities such as making contributions in groups, being able to persuade and influence others, and using socially acceptable behaviour, help in achieving selfactualization. Young persons with poor communication skills are sometimes considered as less attractive by their peers. They have fewer friendships. Those who do not have social and conflict management skills are more likely to indulge in antisocial and violent behaviour.

As the students grow up into working adults, communication competence becomes essential for starting and deveIOping a career.
Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.

A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.

An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --
1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action

2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver

3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief

4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.

To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.

An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.

Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the

co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.

Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.

Competence in oral communication, both speaking and listening, is necessary for students’ academic and personal success in life. Classroom teaching is mostly oral and students with poor listening skills fail to absorb much of the material given in classrooms. Their problems are increased when they cannot respond correctly or appropriately because of poor speaking skills. Students who are unable to clearly express what they know may be judged as poorly informed. Many are unable to ask for help from a teacher. As a result, such reticent students make slower progress even though, they may have a normal level of aptitude.

The family is one’s immediate and most important group. Research studies have shown that families that communicate well, provide the best nurturing ground for youngsters. Values, attitudes and beliefs which play a large part in a person’s success in life, are developed through communication within the family. Effective family communication has been found to be a deterrent to delinquency. In his best seller, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” Stephen Covey lays stress on the importance of family communication, especially listening. Habit 5 “Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood” can go a long way in building up relationships in the family as well as at the workplace. But it requires cultivation of the skill.

Outside school and home, oral communication competence contributes to an individual’s social adjustment and participation in interpersonal relationships. The ability to communicate orally helps psychological development. A person’s self-concept is acquired through interaction with others. Communication activities such as making contributions in groups, being able to persuade and influence others, and using socially acceptable behaviour, help in achieving selfactualization. Young persons with poor communication skills are sometimes considered as less attractive by their peers. They have fewer friendships. Those who do not have social and conflict management skills are more likely to indulge in antisocial and violent behaviour.

As the students grow up into working adults, communication competence becomes essential for starting and deveIOping a career.
Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.

A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.

An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --
1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action

2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver

3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief

4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.

To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.

An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.

Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the

co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.

Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.

Competence in oral communication, both speaking and listening, is necessary for students’ academic and personal success in life. Classroom teaching is mostly oral and students with poor listening skills fail to absorb much of the material given in classrooms. Their problems are increased when they cannot respond correctly or appropriately because of poor speaking skills. Students who are unable to clearly express what they know may be judged as poorly informed. Many are unable to ask for help from a teacher. As a result, such reticent students make slower progress even though, they may have a normal level of aptitude.

The family is one’s immediate and most important group. Research studies have shown that families that communicate well, provide the best nurturing ground for youngsters. Values, attitudes and beliefs which play a large part in a person’s success in life, are developed through communication within the family. Effective family communication has been found to be a deterrent to delinquency. In his best seller, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” Stephen Covey lays stress on the importance of family communication, especially listening. Habit 5 “Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood” can go a long way in building up relationships in the family as well as at the workplace. But it requires cultivation of the skill.

Outside school and home, oral communication competence contributes to an individual’s social adjustment and participation in interpersonal relationships. The ability to communicate orally helps psychological development. A person’s self-concept is acquired through interaction with others. Communication activities such as making contributions in groups, being able to persuade and influence others, and using socially acceptable behaviour, help in achieving selfactualization. Young persons with poor communication skills are sometimes considered as less attractive by their peers. They have fewer friendships. Those who do not have social and conflict management skills are more likely to indulge in antisocial and violent behaviour.

As the students grow up into working adults, communication competence becomes essential for starting and deveIOping a career.
Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.

A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.

An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --
1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action

2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver

3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief

4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.

To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.

An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.

Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the

co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.

Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.

Competence in oral communication, both speaking and listening, is necessary for students’ academic and personal success in life. Classroom teaching is mostly oral and students with poor listening skills fail to absorb much of the material given in classrooms. Their problems are increased when they cannot respond correctly or appropriately because of poor speaking skills. Students who are unable to clearly express what they know may be judged as poorly informed. Many are unable to ask for help from a teacher. As a result, such reticent students make slower progress even though, they may have a normal level of aptitude.

The family is one’s immediate and most important group. Research studies have shown that families that communicate well, provide the best nurturing ground for youngsters. Values, attitudes and beliefs which play a large part in a person’s success in life, are developed through communication within the family. Effective family communication has been found to be a deterrent to delinquency. In his best seller, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” Stephen Covey lays stress on the importance of family communication, especially listening. Habit 5 “Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood” can go a long way in building up relationships in the family as well as at the workplace. But it requires cultivation of the skill.

Outside school and home, oral communication competence contributes to an individual’s social adjustment and participation in interpersonal relationships. The ability to communicate orally helps psychological development. A person’s self-concept is acquired through interaction with others. Communication activities such as making contributions in groups, being able to persuade and influence others, and using socially acceptable behaviour, help in achieving selfactualization. Young persons with poor communication skills are sometimes considered as less attractive by their peers. They have fewer friendships. Those who do not have social and conflict management skills are more likely to indulge in antisocial and violent behaviour.

As the students grow up into working adults, communication competence becomes essential for starting and deveIOping a career.
Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.

A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.

An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --
1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action

2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver

3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief

4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.

To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.

An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.

Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the

co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.

Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.

Competence in oral communication, both speaking and listening, is necessary for students’ academic and personal success in life. Classroom teaching is mostly oral and students with poor listening skills fail to absorb much of the material given in classrooms. Their problems are increased when they cannot respond correctly or appropriately because of poor speaking skills. Students who are unable to clearly express what they know may be judged as poorly informed. Many are unable to ask for help from a teacher. As a result, such reticent students make slower progress even though, they may have a normal level of aptitude.

The family is one’s immediate and most important group. Research studies have shown that families that communicate well, provide the best nurturing ground for youngsters. Values, attitudes and beliefs which play a large part in a person’s success in life, are developed through communication within the family. Effective family communication has been found to be a deterrent to delinquency. In his best seller, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” Stephen Covey lays stress on the importance of family communication, especially listening. Habit 5 “Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood” can go a long way in building up relationships in the family as well as at the workplace. But it requires cultivation of the skill.

Outside school and home, oral communication competence contributes to an individual’s social adjustment and participation in interpersonal relationships. The ability to communicate orally helps psychological development. A person’s self-concept is acquired through interaction with others. Communication activities such as making contributions in groups, being able to persuade and influence others, and using socially acceptable behaviour, help in achieving selfactualization. Young persons with poor communication skills are sometimes considered as less attractive by their peers. They have fewer friendships. Those who do not have social and conflict management skills are more likely to indulge in antisocial and violent behaviour.

As the students grow up into working adults, communication competence becomes essential for starting and deveIOping a career.
Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.

A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.

An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --
1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action

2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver

3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief

4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.

To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.

An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.

Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the

co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.

Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.
No enterprise can be run by a solitary person. To succeed, it needs the effort of individuals and groups (who contribute willingly and do their best.) Besides there are customers, government departments, other organizations and utilities, and the social environment whose co-operation is essential for any enterprise to be conducted. Building up and maintaining good relationships is the essence of public relations and marketing. The organization’s relations with the public and with its customers depend heavily on communication. An organization which pays attention to its corporate communication and lays down policies and procedures is better able to encounter any crisis. Indeed, crisis management is an exercise in successful communication under stressful conditions, by several members, with a variety of audiences.

Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.

In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work

Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.

In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work

Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.
In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work
Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.
A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.
An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action
2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver
3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief
4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.
To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.
An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.
Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the
co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.
Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.
No enterprise can be run by a solitary person. To succeed, it needs the effort of individuals and groups (who contribute willingly and do their best.) Besides there are customers, government departments, other organizations and utilities, and the social environment whose co-operation is essential for any enterprise to be conducted. Building up and maintaining good relationships is the essence of public relations and marketing. The organization’s relations with the public and with its customers depend heavily on communication. An organization which pays attention to its corporate communication and lays down policies and procedures is better able to encounter any crisis. Indeed, crisis management is an exercise in successful communication under stressful conditions, by several members, with a variety of audiences.
Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.
In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work
groups and teams, with persons of diverse backgrounds. In problem solving and conflict management, communication skills of a high level are needed to ensure success in maintaining relationships which are so essential to success.
Considering the importance of the ability to communicate competently, a course in communication is now being considered as central to all studies. Human beings are born with the ability to vocalize; but not with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that make for communication competence. The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately has to be learned, and therefore must be taught.

While communication skills are commonly recognized as vital to success in business, students still often underestimate how essential some of these skills may be to their careers. In particular, business students underestimate how much of their time may be spent in meetings, the importance of international communication skills, how often they may have to interact with other employees, the importance of oral presentations, and the ability to use multimedia technology. A more realistic awareness of the importance of these skills might motivate students to prepare more carefully for their communication tasks in the workplace.

Competence in oral communication, both speaking and listening, is necessary for students’ academic and personal success in life. Classroom teaching is mostly oral and students with poor listening skills fail to absorb much of the material given in classrooms. Their problems are increased when they cannot respond correctly or appropriately because of poor speaking skills. Students who are unable to clearly express what they know may be judged as poorly informed. Many are unable to ask for help from a teacher. As a result, such reticent students make slower progress even though, they may have a normal level of aptitude.
The family is one’s immediate and most important group. Research studies have shown that families that communicate well, provide the best nurturing ground for youngsters. Values, attitudes and beliefs which play a large part in a person’s success in life, are developed through communication within the family. Effective family communication has been found to be a deterrent to delinquency. In his best seller, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” Stephen Covey lays stress on the importance of family communication, especially listening. Habit 5 “Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood” can go a long way in building up relationships in the family as well as at the workplace. But it requires cultivation of the skill.
Outside school and home, oral communication competence contributes to an individual’s social adjustment and participation in interpersonal relationships. The ability to communicate orally helps psychological development. A person’s self-concept is acquired through interaction with others. Communication activities such as making contributions in groups, being able to persuade and influence others, and using socially acceptable behaviour, help in achieving selfactualization. Young persons with poor communication skills are sometimes considered as less attractive by their peers. They have fewer friendships. Those who do not have social and conflict management skills are more likely to indulge in antisocial and violent behaviour.
As the students grow up into working adults, communication competence becomes essential for starting and deveIOping a career.Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.
A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.
An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action
2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver
3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief
4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.
To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.
An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.

Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the

co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.
Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks. No enterprise can be run by a solitary person. To succeed, it needs the effort of individuals and groups (who contribute willingly and do their best.) Besides there are customers, government departments, other organizations and utilities, and the social environment whose co-operation is essential for any enterprise to be conducted. Building up and maintaining good relationships is the essence of public relations and marketing. The organization’s relations with the public and with its customers depend heavily on communication. An organization which pays attention to its corporate communication and lays down policies and procedures is better able to encounter any crisis. Indeed, crisis management is an exercise in successful communication under stressful conditions, by several members, with a variety of audiences.

Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.

In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work

Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.

In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work
Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.
In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work
Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.
A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.
An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action
2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver
3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief
4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.
To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.
An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.
Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the
co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.
Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.
No enterprise can be run by a solitary person. To succeed, it needs the effort of individuals and groups (who contribute willingly and do their best.) Besides there are customers, government departments, other organizations and utilities, and the social environment whose co-operation is essential for any enterprise to be conducted. Building up and maintaining good relationships is the essence of public relations and marketing. The organization’s relations with the public and with its customers depend heavily on communication. An organization which pays attention to its corporate communication and lays down policies and procedures is better able to encounter any crisis. Indeed, crisis management is an exercise in successful communication under stressful conditions, by several members, with a variety of audiences.
Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.
In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work
groups and teams, with persons of diverse backgrounds. In problem solving and conflict management, communication skills of a high level are needed to ensure success in maintaining relationships which are so essential to success.
Considering the importance of the ability to communicate competently, a course in communication is now being considered as central to all studies. Human beings are born with the ability to vocalize; but not with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that make for communication competence. The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately has to be learned, and therefore must be taught.

While communication skills are commonly recognized as vital to success in business, students still often underestimate how essential some of these skills may be to their careers. In particular, business students underestimate how much of their time may be spent in meetings, the importance of international communication skills, how often they may have to interact with other employees, the importance of oral presentations, and the ability to use multimedia technology. A more realistic awareness of the importance of these skills might motivate students to prepare more carefully for their communication tasks in the workplace.

Competence in oral communication, both speaking and listening, is necessary for students’ academic and personal success in life. Classroom teaching is mostly oral and students with poor listening skills fail to absorb much of the material given in classrooms. Their problems are increased when they cannot respond correctly or appropriately because of poor speaking skills. Students who are unable to clearly express what they know may be judged as poorly informed. Many are unable to ask for help from a teacher. As a result, such reticent students make slower progress even though, they may have a normal level of aptitude.
The family is one’s immediate and most important group. Research studies have shown that families that communicate well, provide the best nurturing ground for youngsters. Values, attitudes and beliefs which play a large part in a person’s success in life, are developed through communication within the family. Effective family communication has been found to be a deterrent to delinquency. In his best seller, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” Stephen Covey lays stress on the importance of family communication, especially listening. Habit 5 “Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood” can go a long way in building up relationships in the family as well as at the workplace. But it requires cultivation of the skill.
Outside school and home, oral communication competence contributes to an individual’s social adjustment and participation in interpersonal relationships. The ability to communicate orally helps psychological development. A person’s self-concept is acquired through interaction with others. Communication activities such as making contributions in groups, being able to persuade and influence others, and using socially acceptable behaviour, help in achieving selfactualization. Young persons with poor communication skills are sometimes considered as less attractive by their peers. They have fewer friendships. Those who do not have social and conflict management skills are more likely to indulge in antisocial and violent behaviour.
As the students grow up into working adults, communication competence becomes essential for starting and deveIOping a career.Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.
A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.
An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action
2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver
3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief
4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.
To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.
An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.

Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the

co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.

Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks. No enterprise can be run by a solitary person. To succeed, it needs the effort of individuals and groups (who contribute willingly and do their best.) Besides there are customers, government departments, other organizations and utilities, and the social environment whose co-operation is essential for any enterprise to be conducted. Building up and maintaining good relationships is the essence of public relations and marketing. The organization’s relations with the public and with its customers depend heavily on communication. An organization which pays attention to its corporate communication and lays down policies and procedures is better able to encounter any crisis. Indeed, crisis management is an exercise in successful communication under stressful conditions, by several members, with a variety of audiences.

Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.

In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work

Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.

In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work
Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.
In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in workIndividuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in workEmployers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs theco-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.No enterprise can be run by a solitary person. To succeed, it needs the effort of individuals and groups (who contribute willingly and do their best.) Besides there are customers, government departments, other organizations and utilities, and the social environment whose co-operation is essential for any enterprise to be conducted. Building up and maintaining good relationships is the essence of public relations and marketing. The organization’s relations with the public and with its customers depend heavily on communication. An organization which pays attention to its corporate communication and lays down policies and procedures is better able to encounter any crisis. Indeed, crisis management is an exercise in successful communication under stressful conditions, by several members, with a variety of audiences.Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in workgroups and teams, with persons of diverse backgrounds. In problem solving and conflict management, communication skills of a high level are needed to ensure success in maintaining relationships which are so essential to success.Considering the importance of the ability to communicate competently, a course in communication is now being considered as central to all studies. Human beings are born with the ability to vocalize; but not with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that make for communication competence. The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately has to be learned, and therefore must be taught.

While communication skills are commonly recognized as vital to success in business, students still often underestimate how essential some of these skills may be to their careers. In particular, business students underestimate how much of their time may be spent in meetings, the importance of international communication skills, how often they may have to interact with other employees, the importance of oral presentations, and the ability to use multimedia technology. A more realistic awareness of the importance of these skills might motivate students to prepare more carefully for their communication tasks in the workplace.

Competence in oral communication, both speaking and listening, is necessary for students’ academic and personal success in life. Classroom teaching is mostly oral and students with poor listening skills fail to absorb much of the material given in classrooms. Their problems are increased when they cannot respond correctly or appropriately because of poor speaking skills. Students who are unable to clearly express what they know may be judged as poorly informed. Many are unable to ask for help from a teacher. As a result, such reticent students make slower progress even though, they may have a normal level of aptitude.The family is one’s immediate and most important group. Research studies have shown that families that communicate well, provide the best nurturing ground for youngsters. Values, attitudes and beliefs which play a large part in a person’s success in life, are developed through communication within the family. Effective family communication has been found to be a deterrent to delinquency. In his best seller, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families” Stephen Covey lays stress on the importance of family communication, especially listening. Habit 5 “Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood” can go a long way in building up relationships in the family as well as at the workplace. But it requires cultivation of the skill.Outside school and home, oral communication competence contributes to an individual’s social adjustment and participation in interpersonal relationships. The ability to communicate orally helps psychological development. A person’s self-concept is acquired through interaction with others. Communication activities such as making contributions in groups, being able to persuade and influence others, and using socially acceptable behaviour, help in achieving selfactualization. Young persons with poor communication skills are sometimes considered as less attractive by their peers. They have fewer friendships. Those who do not have social and conflict management skills are more likely to indulge in antisocial and violent behaviour.As the students grow up into working adults, communication competence becomes essential for starting and deveIOping a career.Employers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.

Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs the

co-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.No enterprise can be run by a solitary person. To succeed, it needs the effort of individuals and groups (who contribute willingly and do their best.) Besides there are customers, government departments, other organizations and utilities, and the social environment whose co-operation is essential for any enterprise to be conducted. Building up and maintaining good relationships is the essence of public relations and marketing. The organization’s relations with the public and with its customers depend heavily on communication. An organization which pays attention to its corporate communication and lays down policies and procedures is better able to encounter any crisis. Indeed, crisis management is an exercise in successful communication under stressful conditions, by several members, with a variety of audiences.

Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.

In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work

Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.

In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in work
Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.
In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in workIndividuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in workIndividuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in workEmployers everywhere identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have. Among the factors that help graduates seeking a job, high level of communication competence ranks among the top three. The ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance. The job interview is a severe test of oral communication skills.A large number of studies which have researched students’ opinions as well as the opinions of managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals in technology, engineering, finance and accounting have shown that communication skills is among the top three skills required for success in a career or business enterprise.An organization, as a whole, also has communication needs. There are four main goals of communication --1. inform, to provide information for use in decision making, but not necessarily advocating any course of action2. To request, to ask for a specific action by the receiver3. To persuade, to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about something and, possibly, act on the belief4. To build relationships, to create goodwill with the receiver.To achieve these goals, the organization as well as the individual members of the organization, need communication skills. Individual skills need the support of organizational policies and facilities for communication.An organization is constantly in need of information. Its systems and channels of information flow are its life line. Communication gaps and failures and even delays can be very costly in these days of global business. Good decisions depend on timely information. Besides the channels and systems, the organization needs a sound, open communication policy and climate. This not only helps to keep information flowing but also motivates members to communicate rather than hoard or hide information. People speak up and communicate more easily, work with greater motivation if they feel confident that their information is valued and that the management will give them the information they need.Organizational work has to be done in teams; group and interogroup communication must be smooth and clear. Everyone needs theco-operation of others and must be able to make requests from peers, seniors and subordinates in an effective manner. Information, help‘ Sharing of facilities and resources, extension of time, additional budget allocations, are some of the things that may be needed by anyone at Work. Making requests effectively so that they are willingly granted requires good communication skills. The organization’s communication channels and policies support the individual skills.Organizations need to be able to negotiate with suppliers, customers and associates and government departments. It entails dealing with people of diverse backgrounds and interests. International organizations have to adjust to a wide spectrum of cultures and life styles. They have to be able to deal with customers, suppliers, employees and managers from different cultures. Unless they have the skills to overcome barriers and create gateways to communication, and the flexibility to adapt themselves to various cultural styles, they cannot succeed. The organization needs to train its employees in communication skills that are required for various tasks.No enterprise can be run by a solitary person. To succeed, it needs the effort of individuals and groups (who contribute willingly and do their best.) Besides there are customers, government departments, other organizations and utilities, and the social environment whose co-operation is essential for any enterprise to be conducted. Building up and maintaining good relationships is the essence of public relations and marketing. The organization’s relations with the public and with its customers depend heavily on communication. An organization which pays attention to its corporate communication and lays down policies and procedures is better able to encounter any crisis. Indeed, crisis management is an exercise in successful communication under stressful conditions, by several members, with a variety of audiences.Individuals with communication competence are best able to make use of opportunities given by the organization.In the job, interaction with, peers, seniors and juniors, can make the difference between success and failure. Most work requires co-operation among team members and co-operation from others around; oral communication skills -- both speaking and listening «help to win co- operation. Communication skills essential in the workplace include basic oral and writing skills, and the ability to communicate in workgroups and teams, with persons of diverse backgrounds. In problem solving and conflict management, communication skills of a high level are needed to ensure success in maintaining relationships which are so essential to success.Considering the importance of the ability to communicate competently, a course in communication is now being considered as central to all studies. Human beings are born with the ability to vocalize; but not with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that make for communication competence. The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately has to be learned, and therefore must be taught.

While communication skills are commonly recognized as vital to success in business, students still often underestimate how essential some of these skills may be to their careers. In particular, business students underestimate how much of their time may be spent in meetings, the importance of international communication skills, how often they may have to interact with other employees, the importance of oral presentations, and the ability to use multimedia technology. A more realistic awareness of the importance of these skills might motivate students to prepare more carefully for their communication tasks in the workplace.Knowledge of and ability to deal with one’s intrapersonal communication is the first step in self-improvement and development of personality. intrapersonal communication is communication with oneself; it includes both active and passive thinking, conscious and sub-conscious thoughts, influenced by emotions, attitudes, beliefs and values. It affects interpersonal communication and must therefore be the starting point of communication education.Communication education improves specific skills and abilities. Critical thinking can be developed by practising group discussion in study circles. This helps leadership skills by training a person to understand and consider several points of view and to take wellinformed decisions. This skill also contributes to family relational development.

A sound understanding of the media is essential to everyone in

business and in professions. Media literacy is a part of communication studies.
In fact, the study of communication involves learning to analyse the audience, understanding the environment, using the various media effectively, developing receiver skills of reading, listening and feedback, understanding non-verbal communication as well as developing one’s own skills in framing messages.
CHARACTERS OF COMMUNICATION Understanding the characteristics of communication helps us Improve our competence and skills in communication.
Communication is Unintentional as well as InternationalWe do not always succeed in conveying exactly what we. want t0; the target receiver may receive less or more, or even something other than what we intended to convey. In fact, communication does not happen exactly as the sender wishes. It often fails.
Communication takes place even when we do not plan it and when we are not conscious of it; we may communicate something that we had not intended to communicate. Our non-verbal behaviour, which is always present, conveys something about us.
Communication is a Dynamic ProcessA process is an ongoing activity. Communication is a process and is always changing, always in motion; it grows and develops. Even if the same two persons exchange the same ideas again, the communication will not be exactly the same as it was the first time, because the two persons have grown and developed and changed since then. Every time we engage in an act of communication, we bring to it all our previous experience, feelings, thoughts, attitudes which have been formed by other communication events.Communication is Systemic
Every component of the process is affected by every other component. The source, the environment, the goal, the medium, the nature of the message, the receiver, the feedback, aii affect one another. If the audience is inattentive or uninterested, the source is not able to communicate effectively. If a wrong medium is chosen. the message may fail to have the intended result; if the sender’s goal is not clear, the
message will be confused. Disturbance at any stage in the communication process affects the entire process.
Communication is both Interaction and TransactionThe two participants, the source and the receiver, exchange ideas and information and influence each other during the process of communication. They also come to a shared and common meaning as a
result of the communication. They share as well as exchange thoughts and meanings.
There are many definitions, of Communication given by many theorists; some of these definitions are quoted here.

* Communication is a process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. Keith Davis

*Communication is any behaviour that results in an exchange of meaning. ----T he American Management Association

* Communication may be broadly defined as the process of meaningful interaction among human beings. More specifically, it is the process by which meanings are perceived and

understandings are reached among human beings. DE McFarland

* Communication is the process by which information is. passed between individuals and/or organisations by means of previously agreed symbols. Peter Little '

A wider and more comprehensive definition is given by National

Joint Committee for the Communicative needs (if persons with severe disabilities.

* Any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that person’s needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or non-linguistic forms and may occur through spoken or other modes. --- Julia Scherba de Valenzuela, PhD.

These definitions show that communication involves exchange of thoughts between two parties. Communication is the transmission of information and meaning from one individual or group to another. The crucial element is meaning.

Communication is successful only when the receiver understands an idea as the sender intended it. Both parties must agree not only on the information transmitted but also on the meaning of that information.


In order to transfer an idea, we must use symbols (words, signs, pictures, sounds) which stand for the idea. The symbols must be understood by the person or persons with whom we intend to communicate. Both must assign the same meaning to the symbols used; otherwise, there is miscommunication. Unless there is a common

understanding of the symbols, it is not possible to communicate.

Elements of communication

In order to analyse the activity of communication, we must know the process and the elements involved in the process of communication.

There are seven elements or factors which make up the process of communication:

1. Source /Sender, is the one who initiates the action of communicating.

2. Audience /Receiver is the person(s) for whom the communication is intended.

3. Goal /Purpose is the sender’s reason for communicating the desired result of the communication.

4. Context/ Environment is the background in which the communication takes place.

5. Message/ Content is the information conveyed. 6. Medium /Channel is the means or method used for conveying

the message.

7. Feedback is the receiver’s response to the communication as observed by the sender.

These definitions show that communication involves exchange of thoughts between two parties. Communication is the transmission of information and meaning from one individual or group to another. The crucial element is meaning.

Communication is successful only when the receiver understands an idea as the sender intended it. Both parties must agree not only on the information transmitted but also on the meaning of that information.


In order to transfer an idea, we must use symbols (words, signs, pictures, sounds) which stand for the idea. The symbols must be understood by the person or persons with whom we intend to communicate. Both must assign the same meaning to the symbols used; otherwise, there is miscommunication. Unless there is a common

understanding of the symbols, it is not possible to communicate.

Elements of communication

In order to analyse the activity of communication, we must know the process and the elements involved in the process of communication.

There are seven elements or factors which make up the process of communication:

1. Source /Sender, is the one who initiates the action of communicating.

2. Audience /Receiver is the person(s) for whom the communication is intended.

3. Goal /Purpose is the sender’s reason for communicating the desired result of the communication.

4. Context/ Environment is the background in which the communication takes place.

5. Message/ Content is the information conveyed. 6. Medium /Channel is the means or method used for conveying

the message.

7. Feedback is the receiver’s response to the communication as observed by the sender.

Each of these is complex; any analysis of communication has to take into account the various possibilities of each of these.

The Process

The process of communication involves decisions and activities by the two persons involved, the sender and the receiver.

The sender begins the process of communication. The sender has to be clear about the purpose (or goal or objective) of the communication and about the target audience (or receiver) of the communication; that is, the sender decides why and to whom to send a message. Conscious or intended communication has a purpose. We communicate because we want to make someone do something or think or feel in a certain

way, that is, to influence the person.

The source has to decide what information to convey, and create the message (or content) to be conveyed by using words or other symbols which can be understood by the intended receiver. The process of putting the idea into symbols is called encoding; in order to encode, the sender has to select suitable symbols which can represent the idea, and can be understood by the receiver.

The sender also chooses a suitable channel or medium (mail, email, telephone, face-to-face talk) by which to send the message. The choice of the medium depends on several factors such as urgency of the message, availability and effectiveness of a medium, and the relationship between the two communicants. Note that the choice of the medium/channel also influences the shape of the message.

Finally, the sender tries to note the effect of. the message on the receiver; he checks whether the receiver has got the message, how the receiver has responded to the message and whether he has taken the required action; this information about the receiver’s response is called feedback.

Sender’s functions make up half the process of communication. The functions of the sender are:

1. Being clear about the purpose and goal of the communication

2. Finding out about the understanding and needs of the target audience 3. Encoding the required information and ideas with symbols to create the message to suit the receiver/ audience

4. Selecting the medium to send the message

5. Making effort's to get feedback.

The receiver becomes aware that a message has arrived when he perceives it with his senses (he may see, hear, feel, etc). The receiver attends to the message and interprets it. The process of translating the symbols into ideas and interpreting the message is called decoding. Interpreting is a complex activity; it involves using knowledge of the symbols and drawing upon previous knowledge of the subject matter, The receiver’s ability to understand, level of intelligence, values and attitudes, and relation with the sender will influence his creation of


If the sender and the receiver have a common field of experience, the receiver’s understanding of the message will be closer to what the

sender intended.

The receiver also feels a reaction to the message; this reaction may be conscious or unconscious; it may cause some change in the receiver’s facial expression. The message definitely leads the receiver to think. The receiver may take some action, if required. He may also reply to the message. The reaction, the response and the reply together

form the feedback.

Receiver’s functions complete one cycle of the process of communication. The functions of the receiver are:

1. Attending to the received message, that is, listening, reading or observing

2. Decoding the received message

3. Interpreting and understanding the meaning of the message
4. Responding to the message

5. Giving feedback to the sender of the message.

This is a simplified description of a single cycle in the process of communication. Communication really takes place in several cycles and the two persons take turns and alternately carry out functions of

sender and receiver.

Both, the sender and the receiver have important functions in the Communication process; it can be successful only if both are efficient and attentive.

Context and Environment: Context is the set of circumstances that surround an event and influence its significance. It is the background of events which lead to the message being sent. A message may acquire a different meaning in a changed context. If both have the same amount of background information about the situation and the issue, it is easier to communicate on the topic. The context influences the sender’s encoding and the receiver’s decoding, and also each one’s interpretation.

The meaning of a sentence depends strongly on the circumstances in which it is said. For example, “How much have you had to drink?” asked of a patient by a nurse could mean “Do you have enough liquids?” The question would have a completely different meaning if asked by a policeman to a driver who had got on to the footpath.

The circumstances of each communicant, each one’s position in the organisation, the usual work that each one does, and the present state of mind of each one, can all influence the communication process. The present relationship between the two is a part of the context; the receiver tends to interpret messages in the context of the relationship.

Communication takes place in an environment. Environment includes several things. The most obvious is the place in which the communication takes place; if it is pleasant and comfortable, the communication is better. Noise or disturbance in the environment usually hinders the flow of communication.

The political, cultural, legal, technological environment influences communication as these factors may affect each one’s situation and attitude to the content of a message.

Time is also an element of the environment; it has three aspects:

(3) The time of the communication (first thing in the morning, just before or after lunch, when it is almost closing time) affects the communication.

(5) The length of time taken by a communication event (how long the presentation or the meeting or the conversation goes on) influences the quality of the communication. Too long can be

tiring and boring; too short may be inadequate and one of them may feel that insufficient attention was given by the other. 

(c) There 15 a right time for giving some information. If it is given 

too late, it may be useless; if it is too early, receivers may not be ready for it and may not understand it. 

The following figure shows the steps in the one

way process of communication 1n a linear form. 

This one-way routine is only a part of the communication process. For the communication to be Complete, the sender must know whether the receiver has got the message, understood it in the way it was intended, and has received it well. The sender can find out this only on getting a chance to note the reaction and response of the receiver. The response may be in words (spoken or written), signs or behaviour, both conscious and unconscious. The response or return message is feedback. 

When the sender gets the feedback, one cycle of communication is complete. This may be represented roughly by the following diagram, 

The following figure shows the process of communication in six stages.

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